Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Hypocrisy

Notoriously anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (remember, it's easy to be anti-gun when you have your own private army of bodyguards) had a "summit" meeting with the mayors of several cities, ostensibly to reduce illegal firearms. Well, apparently one of these mayors seems to have a problem with following the law himself. Acts such as carrying a firearm without a permit, pulling over cars with police lights, and warrantless searches of homes have Jackson, Mississippi mayor Frank Melton under investigation by the Mississippi attorney general. Apparently he also won't release any crime statistics for Jackson, which is public data. Maybe Mayor Bloomberg should study his guest list for his next summit more carefully.

Remember, there's one set of rules for the elite, and one for the peasantry. They know what's best for you, just ask them.

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