Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Two San Francisco police officers have been ordered to pay 46,000 to two residents after they beat them up for not surrendering a bag of fajitas. A deputy chief of police at the time was the father of one of the officers, and he allegedly tried to cover up the incident. I'm not sure what to make of this, perhaps the S.F. police need a pay raise?

Special irony to this story since Frisco was just bitchslapped by a judge for trying to ban all handgun possession inside the city limits. Score one for the peasantry. Too bad the city wasted all of that taxpayer money litigating this suit, especially since they were told before the election that the law was plainly counter to California law, and would be overturned. But what the hey, it's only tax money, there's plenty more where that came from!

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