Wednesday, September 13, 2006

College shooting in Gun-Free Canada

Canada, home of some of the strictest gun control in the world, has had a shooting at a college in Montreal. Twelve people are apparently wounded.

Well, shoots that theory full of holes (pun intended).

I don't mean to make light of the situation, my thoughts and prayers go to the victims, but this is another example of how draconian gun-control laws don't reduce crime or prevent tragedies such as this one. All that gun control does is leave the criminals armed (they don't pay attention to laws, remember? That's why they're criminals) and the victims helpless. The police simply can't respond fast enough to a crisis such as this one, and therefore people must take responsibility for their own protection.

Imagine if one of the shooting victims had had a permit and was carrying at the time. This tragedy could easily have been reduced or even prevented. The criminals will always find weapons, it's asinine to not let the law-abiding citizens have a means to fight back.

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