Friday, September 15, 2006

Today's Self-Important Celebrity...

is "actor" George Clooney. Mr. Clooney appeared at the U.N. yesterday to appeal for peacekeeping troops to be dispatched to Darfur, Sudan to help with the humanitarian crisis there, admittedly a worthy cause. He has a vast knowledge of geopolitical issues, being a college dropout who plays fantasy characters on TV and in movies. Mr. Clooney is a self-described liberal who is very sensitive to other peoples' "feelings", such as the time he mocked Charlton Heston's diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease by stating the following at a press conference:

"Charlton Heston announced again today that he is suffering from Alzheimer's."

When asked if he truly meant that statement, that it perhaps went too far (a graceful way of giving him an opportunity to back away from it), Mr. Clooney responded:

"I don't care. Charlton Heston is the head of the National Rifle Association. He deserves whatever anyone says about him."

So, to summarize:

1. George Clooney doesn't want you to have the ability to carry a firearm to protect yourself from criminals and from a government that becomes oppressive and totalitarian. (The Second Amendment is not about target shooting and deer hunting. It is about giving the citizens of a corrupt and tyrannical government a way to get rid of that government.)

2. George Clooney wants to use American dollars and risk American lives to be the policeman for a region that routinely disarms its citizens, leaving only the government with weapons, which are then used against those same citizens, who have no means to protect themselves from their "governments gone wild".

3. George Clooney is "sensitive" and "empathetic" when it suits him, otherwise he is a rude jackass.

Now we see why Mr. Clooney prefers to work in Fantasyland.

In other news, Pee-Wee Herman will be lecturing on macroeconomics at Harvard next week.

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