Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Another illegal immigration theory debunked

One of the many reasons that apologists offer to justify the border-jumping and identity theft by illegal aliens is that "They do jobs that no American will do, at any wage".

Well, it seems that theory has now been debunked in Colorado, where the line for people to apply for the jobs left vacant by the arrested illegal Swift workers was out the door. Funny how there seems to be a lot of openings at this company when they're no longer able to underpay someone enough to drive legal workers out of the job market.

I'd be happy to pay more for my beef in order to help reduce the problem of illegal immigration. One hopeful worker, Maxine Hernandez, says of the event:

"she was upset that families were torn apart, but believes illegal immigrants should not get work using fake documents."

My sentiments exactly. It's sad that it had to come to this, but we have to get control of our borders, as well as reduce identity theft in this country.

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