Saturday, February 10, 2007

If you're a liberal, you can say stupid stuff like this, and get away with it

Ellen Goodman, a liberal columnist for the Boston Globe, had a piece published yesterday in which she shrieks that not enough is being done to combat global warming, which is a Theory. Regardless of what Al Gore and his minions tell you, it is indeed still a theory, and there are respected scientists from respected universities that dispute this theory. (Mars and Venus are currently experiencing warming, as well. Is that our fault, too?)

While attempting to make her point, Goodman actually wrote the following:

"I would like to say we're at a point where global warming is impossible to deny. Let's just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers, though one denies the past and the other denies the present and future."

Let's not just say that, Ellen. It's been a long while since I used the word "stupid" to describe someone's writing, since I am very tolerant of different perspectives and points of view, as that is how one learns and grows as a person. For her to compare doubters of the theory of global warming, however, with the doubters of the FACT of the Holocaust occurring is the very pinnacle of stupidity.

It's illuminating to see that this column was published on the same day that it was reported that Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Prize-winning author and Holocaust survivor, was apparently dragged out of an elevator and assaulted by a Holocaust denier.

If you wonder how people can still deny that the Holocaust occurred, it's partly the fault of hacks like Goodman, who cheapen the memory of all of those murdered people by linking legitimate criticism of the theory of global warming with the fact of six million people being slaughtered. To compare anyone who disputes a scientific hypothesis with the nuts who claim that the Holocaust never happened is just plain idiotic, and only encourages the stifling of legitimate debate, which is of course exactly what most liberals want. Their theories are facts, and if you disagree, that makes you a nut, a racist, a homophobe, etc., etc. Just ask the authors of The Bell Curve.

Ms. Goodman apparently bought herself a new, "environmentally friendly" light bulb, and brags about that and the Prius in her driveway. She now feels much better about herself for fighting global warming, and certainly superior to the likes of you and me. Of course, that's what liberalism is all about, feeling good about yourself and your ideas, whether or not they actually do anything to solve the problem in question. That's where the Holocaust reference comes in. It's supposed to make you feel guilty and lousy, and maybe just a little like a nut for questioning global warming, so that you will also go and buy a light bulb and a Prius, in order to save all of the cute and cuddly polar bears and penguins.

If a conservative had published a column with such a comparison, the fallout would already be commencing. The author would be vilified on every opinion page and talk show. Let's see if the same will happen to Ms. Goodman.

This post is dedicated to the memory of Edward Bomba, a good and kind man who was a Polish survivor of the Holocaust.

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