Wednesday, April 18, 2007

91 miles an hour

That's how fast the SUV carrying Governor Corzine was going seconds before it crashed.

Look, going that fast on the interstate definitely raises the risk of an accident, even for trained police drivers. We allow police to speed to emergencies, because the increased accident risk is worth the benefit of rapidly arriving to a robbery, murder, severe car accident, medical emergency, etc. It's one of the tradeoffs of ordinary life.

I, for one, am not willing to share the highway with self-important commissars who happen to be late for yet another photo-op. The benefit just does not outweigh the risk to the other people on the road.

State officials are not kings, and they should not be routinely granted traffic privileges for non-emergency travel that the peasants aren't given as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of executive parking spaces at large companies. Why not just post a sign at the front door listing all the people who are more important than the "regular employees" that, you know, actually do the work.