Thursday, May 10, 2007

How do you really feel about it?

Robert Murrow, who unbelievably is a SPOKESMAN for the Department of Public Works for the City of Baltimore, Maryland, noticed that a billboard advertising the Rush Limbaugh radio program had been defaced.

Mr. Murrow was so happy about that fact that he called the Baltimore Sun newspaper to crow about it:

"'It looks like they took globs of paint and threw it on his face. It looks great. It did my heart good,' said Murrow, who admittedly is not a Limbaugh fan."

How professional of you, Mr. Murrow. I wonder if you'd be so happy if someone defaced a public building because they aren't fans of the current city administration. You know, 'cause vandalism "does your heart good" and all. Then again, it's public money that would go towards cleaning it up, so you would just probably look at it as job security.

Mr. Murrow's boss, Kurt Kocher, who is the chief spokesman for the Public Works Department(My God, how many spokesmen does one city agency need, anyway? That's government efficiency for you.) was quick to put this bonehead in his place:

"It's an outrageous comment, and he shouldn't have said it. It is not our policy. I think he got overenthusiastic about his feelings for Mr. Limbaugh. I am very upset about that comment, and I've let him know I'm very upset about that comment."

Not upset enough to fire him, apparently. After all, it seems that Mr. Murrow's very job is to represent the Public Works Department, and he seems to have fouled that up royally. Public employees never seem to get let go, though, until they do something outrageously illegal. Performance never seems to enter into the equation. Unions, you know.

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