Friday, June 15, 2007

Our "Dear Leaders" are getting upset with us

Here's the line of the month, courtesy of one of the traitor senators pimping the return of the illegal alien amnesty bill, Senator Trent "Hugo Chavez Jr." Lott, R?-MS:

"The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: 'Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem.'"

Oh, man. Talk radio, which is hugely successful precisely because large amounts of ordinary people listen to it, is "running America" and has to be "dealt with". Isn't this exactly how Mr. Chavez dealt with criticism from the top-rated TV station in Venezuela? Yep.

I think that our beneficial overlords are getting a little nervous about their growing lack of control over the sheeple, constituents whom they've become used to bossing around without getting any resistance.

Mr. Lott's telephone has been busy for the last hour. I imagine his staff is getting quite an earful. Good.

I've got some news for Senator Lott. Talk radio is not running America. The ordinary American citizen is. And you're going to find that out in the next election. Now take your elitist attitude and go pound sand.

Much more on this topic later, I've got a ton of new information to digest.

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