Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Circular reasoning

Here's a great example of quality public service:

I just got off the phone with Anoka County Attorney Robert Johnson's office. I was attempting to see if Attorney Johnson has gotten off his duff yet and decided to charge someone in the case. The very pleasant lady who answered the phone and I had the following (paraphrased) conversation:

Me: I was wondering if Attorney Johnson had made a charging decision in the case of the Robbinsdale off-duty officer road rage shooting yet?

Lady: Do you have the name of the suspect?

Me: Well, there's the rub. The Robbinsdale chief is claiming that the suspect is an undercover and on-duty at the time police officer, and is refusing to release his name.

Lady: Hold on. (Long pause)

Lady: Well, without a name, I don't have any way of looking up this case on the computer.

Me: Well, how about asking Mr. Johnson? I'm sure he's familiar with the person's name.

Lady: I'm sure that Mr. Johnson isn't handling the case personally, one of our staff attorneys is.

Me: Do you know which one?

Lady: Not without the suspect's name.

Me: Of course, of course.


I'll try a Data Practices Request of my own tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a monty python script.

Anonymous said...

What type of recourse do we, as the taxpaying proletariat class, have against such abuses being perpetrated by our politicians?

Because something needs to be done, and the time is coming fast if it isn't already here.