Thursday, August 02, 2007


International government affairs expert and all-around gadfly Sean Penn is in Caracas, Venezuela, sticking his nose up the rear end of socialist dictator Hugo Chavez.

The same Hugo Chavez, by the way, who recently shut down the most popular TV station in the country because they aired commentaries critical of his government. I guess censorship is only a bad thing if it's your movies that are getting censored, eh, Sean?

"'Welcome to Venezuela, Mr. Penn. What drives him is consciousness, the search for new paths,' Chavez said Wednesday in a televised speech."


What drives Penn is a rampant ego, combined with an uneducated, unexplainable hatred of conservative principles of freedom that drives him travel to Third World countries to praise their "progressive" policies.

I'm sure they'd be glad to have you if you decided to move there, Mr. Penn. You could be their Minister of Culture. Anything you disagreed with would be banned. You'd be a happy man, I'll wager.

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