Monday, September 10, 2007

Hillary's Stalinist mindset

On September 4, Mrs. Clinton made a speech to a group called the "Alliance for Retired Americans", an organization that appears to believe that personal responsibility and saving for one's own retirement are outdated ideas, and that the Imperial nanny state (translation: you) should fully finance their Del Boca Vista condos in Florida. While giving her speech, Clinton made the statement that when she is President (a little premature there, aren't we?), any Social Security privatization would be "off the table". She then went further and came up with the following profound statement:

"Privatization isn't the answer to anything."

Apparently, in Clinton's view, only the Federal government is competent and able to accomplish anything worthwhile, and private businesses are only nuisances that get in the way of her and her cohorts' glorious Five Year Plans.

Don't tell me that she's not a socialist.

Watch the shameless pandering for yourself.

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