Monday, November 19, 2007


Don't read below, unless you've got a really strong stomach and can tolerate an extreme example of government being asked to figure out everything for people.

Okay, I warned you.

If you need the government to protect you from being a patron of this bar, you've got more serious problems than a poor choice of where to spend your evenings:

"Inspectors found a nasty odor in the Aristocrat bar in Huntington. They went back and discovered the disgusting truth, the nasty odor was coming from fluids oozing from the bar owner's legs. Carl Scarberry is the owner of the Aristocrat. The bar remains open despite years of health reports showing the floors were soiled from blood and bodily fluids from leg ulcers."

The reporter couldn't even make it through the door without noticing the problem:

"The place smelled horrible and we weren't even allowed to go inside."

"We don't know what exactly Carl Scarberry is suffering from. Cabell County health officials say unless the law is changed, nothing can be done to protect you from places like the Aristocrat bar."

Nope, you've got to figure this one out for yourself.

Where is this bar, anyway? West Virginia, of course. (Sorry, Mom, but it's true)

1 comment:

Pat Cannon said...

Love the name of the place. I guess if I want class, I should look for a place called the Gutter Tramp or something.