Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Jack-Booted Thug of the Week... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Commisioner Charles Ramsey. After Philly District Attorney Lynne Abraham informed him that the new gun-control laws recently passed by the City Council and Mayor Michael Nutter (The usual suspects: An "assault weapons" ban and a limit on handgun purchases, among others) are unenforceable and illegal because the state of Pennsylvania has full preemption over firearm laws, the good Commish had this to say:

"As far as I am concerned, the laws are valid and we will act as if this whole conversation with the D.A. just didn't take place".

You just keep on thinking that, Mr. Ramsey. I hope that the five law-abiding citizens that you've already busted under these new "non-law" laws sue your arrogant butt personally into oblivion, seeing as how you have been specifically told by the local prosecutor that these regulations are null and void.

It looks like Ramsey has watched Judge Dredd a few too many times, and thinks that "he is the law". Here's some more on his distinguished tenure in other cities such as Chicago and Washington, D.C. Anyone starting to see a pattern here?

The runners-up for JBTOTW status are the U.S. Park Police goons in Ramsey's former city of Washington who rousted a group of people for dancing quietly to iPods at the Jefferson Memorial. Ironically, the dancers were libertarians who had gathered to celebrate Jefferson's birthday, as well as his anti-authoritarian writings. They had showed up at midnight and played music through headphones to specifically not bother anyone, and at least one woman got hauled off to the pokey, reportedly for having the temerity to ask one of the goons exactly why they had been ordered to leave, as the Memorial is open to the public at any time of day.

"The police refused to answer any questions, referring all calls to the communication number of the Park Police, which at this hour is closed. They also refused to give their badge numbers."

Cowards. They must be deathly afraid of those menacing flash-mobbers.

Balko's following this one closely. It should get quite interesting.

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