Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Absurd and patently offensive

"I would underline the cynicism, the absence of feeling one must have to exhibit in front of the world's television cameras that which a mother should hold most dear, most private, and painfully precious: a child with Down syndrome. I would advise him to assign this task to Hillary." (Emphases mine)

French "philosopher" Bernard-Henri Levy, giving advice to Barack Obama in the September 22, 2008 issue of New York magazine (where else?).

Unbelievable. This elitist snob insinuates that Sarah Palin should be embarrassed at having a child with a disability, and that hiding him away in shame from the public eye is still what "proper people" should do in polite society. He then goes on to tell Obama to get another woman to do his dirty work for him by publicly mocking Palin for daring to show her entire family on TV.

They're really, really getting scared.

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