Thursday, October 23, 2008

All for tolerance and diversity, unless one disagrees with them

Drudge has a headline linking to this story, about a woman who was robbed at an ATM in Pittsburgh, during which the animal perpetrator apparently carved a "B" into her face after becoming angry when he noticed the McCain/Palin sticker on her car.

This is along the lines of the pizza shop owner in the Detroit area, an admitted Obama supporter, who is giving away free pizzas to anyone bringing in a McCain campaign sign, whether it belongs to the customer or not.

Don't forget about the tried-and-true intimidation tactics of the brownshirts such as keying and otherwise damaging cars with McCain bumper stickers (including urinating on them), and even going so far as to deface the houses and RVs of registered Democrats in liberal strongholds who commit the unforgivable crime of supporting a Republican candidate.

Chicago-style thug politics has now officially gone national. Isn't it fun?

UPDATE: I almost forgot about the below video, which documents the reactions of Upper West Side New Yorkers (Ground Zero of those who preach tolerance and diversity) to a pro-McCain march last month. The naked hatred is chilling, and would have been dissected and roundly criticized (as it should have been) on MSNBC had the same thing happened to a pro-Obama parade.

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