Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Business as usual in Chi-town

The second Illinois governor in a row has just been indicted on a whole mess of corruption charges. Apparently the Feds have quite a collection of wiretaps showing that anything and everything was for sale, including the now-vacant Senate seat.

And we just put his good pal into the White House. How embarrassing for us.

Obama's not in the clear yet over this issue, either. A grand jury has subpoenaed the records of the President-Elect's little sweetheart house deal with his dear friend, the felon Tony Rezko, who was convicted of strongarming companies into giving him kickbacks in exchange for government access.

Chicago is an utter cesspool of dirty, corrupt politics. Washington will soon be as well, now that King Mayor Emperor-for-Life Richard Daley has his hooks into it.

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