Monday, December 29, 2008


The nanny-staters over in York, England are tackling the dangerous menace of the loud, once-a-year New Year's Eve party:

"The authority’s environmental protection unit [?] said anybody planning a New Year party should let people living nearby – and not just next door – know about it in advance and tell them what time it finishes, as well as leaving them with a phone number and dealing with any inquiries politely."

I guess one is supposed to trudge to all the domiciles within a few square miles to apologize in advance for playing Thin Lizzy past 10:00 on Wednesday night.

Should you not pay heed to the sound dictators' warnings, they will apparently come into your house and randomly take some of your belongings:

'"And failing to abide by the terms of the notice can lead to a prosecution, with fines up to £5,000 and the seizure of stereos, TVs, DVDs and CDs'"

Seizing DVDs? That'll show them who's boss.

Just do what I always do - invite all of your neighbors to your shindig. That way everyone's happy, and no one need call the "environmental protection unit" away from more important tasks, such as making sure unattractive people cover their faces (eye protection) and that everyone in a given apartment building has had their daily shower (nose protection).

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