Friday, February 13, 2009

We're keeping track

Here are the seven brave Democratic members of the House who voted against the utterly pork-filled "stimulus" bill today:

Bobby Bright (AL)
Peter DeFazio (OR)
Parker Griffith (AL)
Walt Minnick (ID)
Collin Peterson (MN)
Heath Shuler (TN)
Gene Taylor (MS)

Heartfelt admiration and gratitude is due these gentlemen for the undoubtedly gut-wrenching stand they made today. If they are your Congressmen, please take the time make a quick phone call thanking them. Unfortunately my own Democratic representative, Harry Mitchell, didn't have the courage to stand with them.

On the other hand, there was one Democratic coward who wouldn't vote yea or nay on the hijacking of the peasantry's money, instead choosing to vote "present":

Daniel Lipinski (IL)

Ironically continuing the proud voting tradition begun by then-Senator Obama, we see. It's got to be quite the embarrassment when someone in your own political machine won't commit to voting for your nakedly Socialist bill, eh, Mr. President?

Something tells me that this is Mr. Lipinski's last term in Congress. He made a powerful enemy today, that's for sure.

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