Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not interested

I arrived home the other day to find the following piece of trash lying in my driveway:

I took the liberty of redacting the group's contact information, since I wished to show everyone the shiny turd that they delivered to me but didn't wish to give them any more free publicity than was necessary, as I choose to respond to their disgusting little pamphlet publicly:

Sorry, you racist pinheads. I treat everyone as an individual, regardless of skin color, which has worked just fine for me for close to forty years now. I have zero interest in commiserating with a bunch of losers who blame all of their problems on people who don't look like them. Is that clear enough for you?

Yes, there are black groups and individuals out there, to be sure, who will never allow themselves to fully integrate into American society, and who will forever agitate for maintaining a separate existence (to their ultimate detriment, I believe). For example, this black couple in Chicago has seemingly made it their life's work to convince other black people to go to enormous difficulty and expense to buy all their goods and services solely from black-owned businesses. They're certainly free to do so. I, however, am not going to play their silly game and join some cracker white-power group in response. What's that going to solve?

Take your slimy handout and go back under your rock down in Mesa. Your claptrap isn't wanted here.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Thanks for posting this. Racists are slime. And an aside... these thugs are the reason anti-hate (anti free speech) legislation gets introduced every year in Congress (2 bills pending again- HR 256 and HR 262). I wish these extremists would stop identifying with conservatives. They are not. I defend their right to free speech, but I despise their message.

Anonymous said...


This is clear proof that the gene pool has NOT been properly sanitized.

What is really sad is that Obama grew up with friends/pastors who are every bit as racist/backwards as these clowns.

The Black Panters are no different.