Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yep, "transparency", all right

From Politico:

"The GOPers - by that we mean Rep. Eric Cantor's office - are pouncing on an interview today on 'Morning Joe' with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, under this subject line: 'Administration Permits Only One Question, No Follow-Ups About Extremism Report.'

Today the Secretary went on [MSNBC's] Morning Joe but they were only allowed to ask one question."

Why go on a news program at all, if you're not prepared to fully defend the actions your department took supposedly on "behalf" of the American people?

"Scarborough: 'We'll ask our audience whether we should have had her on the show or not under those conditions.'"

Obviously not, Joe. Come on, you're better than that.

That "Most Open and Transparent Administration in History" theme is really rolling right along, isn't it?

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