Monday, April 20, 2009

You go first, dear

In a dramatic example of high-born inbreeding gone amok, a haughty baroness in England named Warnock who is touted as a "government medical ethics expert" has announced that lowly British peasants afflicted with dementia have a duty to die, as they are nothing more than a wasteful burden on precious National Health Service assets that could be put to far better use somewhere else:

"She said: 'If you are demented you are wasting people’s lives, your family’s lives and you are wasting the resources of the NHS.

Just take the drones out back and put a bullet in their head now that they have outlived their usefulness, eh, dearie?

Your compassion for your subjects underwhelms us.

In countries that have nationalized health care "schemes", it always happens that when such care is given away for "free", it must then be rationed by government bureaucrats to make sure there's enough to go around (however thinly it must be spread), except if one happens to be royalty or a "special person", apparently. Is everyone ready for such draconian measures to be applied to their own loved ones in this country? Maybe our Messianic benevolent government overlords who wish to implement a similar farce of a system here could simply implant jewels in our palms that would flash when they believe our time is up, just like the scenario portrayed in the movie Logan's Run.

Baroness Warnock is 84 years old, and presumably getting fairly decrepit physically (and mentally, judging by her asinine pronouncement). Perhaps she should follow her own advice and preemptively remove herself from society, in a patriotic move to free up some valuable "resources" for others who are actually contributing something worthwhile to her nation.

(Billy link)

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