Thursday, May 21, 2009

But Obama could only find 100 million dollars to cut in his budget?

Among the 29 billion dollars of taxpayer-extorted money that the National Institutes of Health spends every year on important "studies" is the one (costing $178,000, no less) that seeks to determine why drug-abusing hookers in Thailand have a high rate of HIV infection.

We could tell the researchers that one for free.

And the results of this ground-breaking research benefits the United States how?

Here's some more fascinating nuggets of medical knowledge that you're helping to pay for:

"Among those projects are a $400,000 study being conducted in bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk, and a $2.6 million study dedicated to teaching prostitutes in China to drink less while having sex on the job."

We're currently writing a grant proposal to observe the sexual partner choices of transgendered Finnish dockworkers on Saturdays in July. We hope to score a cool million for that one.

Can't you just wait until the NIH is put in charge of all health care in this country? Just think of the savings!

Oh, by the way, the lead scientist is awfully proud of their chosen topic, and can't wait to discuss its vital importance publicly. Not:

"Attempts to reach the study's director by phone and e-mail were unsuccessful, and the NIH did not respond to requests for comment."

Good to know that at least someone else has been stonewalled by government employees lately.

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