Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Here's what's being shoved down our throats without us being allowed to have so much as a glance

The "usual suspects" are hell-bent on ramming their coveted socialized medicine "health care" bill through Congress just as rapidly as they pushed the climate-change "cap-and-trade" nightmare out of the House last week. The main reason for the speedy passage seems to be to deny the American peasant the chance to take even a quick peek at the sort of society-changing legislation that's being piled on them at warp speed:

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) will not give the public a week to review the final text of a health-care reform bill before it is voted on later this year.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) has also declined to commit to giving the public a week to read and consider the final health-care bill."

This must be another one of those "emergencies" that the Messiah just has to instantly sign into law or else society will collapse forthwith.

We look forward excitedly to having this monstrosity of a government takeover solve all of our imagined woes. We're going to be treated to such "improvements" as:

The promise of more efficiency by the introduction of centralized record keeping, the same sort of program which is currently preventing terminally ill and cancer-stricken patients in Virginia from receiving narcotic pain medication, due to the state's central prescription drug database being hacked (back in April!);

And the imposition of a dictatorial bureaucracy that will tell us what medicines we can and can't use whether or not their reasoning makes any sense, like our betters at the FDA who now get to regulate flavoring out of tobacco, and who are right this second debating pulling safe and effective over-the-counter medications such as Nyquil, Midol and Theraflu from store shelves, all because a few idiots a year get acetaminophen poisoning because they're too stupid to read the label directions for themselves. (We can just hear the argument that at least one person must be making behind that closed door - "If it saves just one life, it's well worth the millions of people who will have to suffer through colds, flu and bad menstrual cramps on a monthly basis". That person must not be either female or married.);

And how we're going to enjoy the sort of great care right from birth that countries such as Canada provide to their citizens. Why not ask the parents of Ava Stinson, a premature Canuck infant who was rushed to Buffalo, New York (a severely economically depressed town, remember) for care because the two cities of Hamilton and Toronto in Canada (combined population: 6 million people. This is no rural, isolated area; in fact, this part of Ontario is the most populous part of Canada) couldn't come up with a single NICU bed for her. We're sure the Stinsons would just gush about the quality of care they've received from their government, but they're pretty busy right now trying to obtain passports so that they can cross the border to visit their daughter in New York.

Yes, the good times are just ahead, if only we would lie back and let the Messiah handle every aspect of our oh-so complicated lives for us.

(By the way, speaking of health care, our supposedly strong-charactered President weakly just can't seem to quit smoking himself, despite constantly condemning others who indulge in the habit, and is proceeding to further punish them by imposing astronomical tax hikes and a plethora of new and ever-more onerous regulations on the smokers, such as the banning of flavored tobacco. We don't know why he is so adamant about this subject; doesn't he realize that smokers are going to end up being a major factor in funding his pet scheme?)

Mark Steyn, who wrote the piece about little Ava, hits it right square in the bullseye:

"Once Buffalo enjoys the benefits of Hamilton-level health care, I wonder where Ontario will be shipping the preemies to. Costa Rica?"

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