Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A scene from a nightmare

Some of Zimbabwe Dictator for Life President Robert Mugabe's new shock troops police recruits undergoing "training" at a compound in the city of Harare:

Yes, the recruits are the ones in blue being beaten.

According to the person who posted the video, the word "wuraya" being yelled by the professional-minded instructors translates to "kill him".

We're sure the residents over there just can't wait for this latest group to be turned loose on them.

The liberal anti-gun readers who occasionally drop by here will be ecstatic to find that Zimbabwe has successfully implemented a strict gun control program that has resulted in the confiscation of all privately owned firearms there. This has ensured, of course, that brutal thugs like these recruits (once they complete their "training", of course) will be able to continue their boss's reign of terror on that country's peasants, stealing food and killing innocent people at will without any fear of resistance or reprisal from the local population, as they have been robbed of all means of fighting back.

The situation there is so bad that it completely changed a Canadian writer named Joe Katzman's stance on gun control awhile back:

"This week, I took the last step. You can thank Robert Mugabe, too, because it was his campaign to starve his political/tribal opponents and Pol-Pot style "ruralization" effort (200,000 left homeless recently in a population of 12.6 million) that finally convinced me. Here's the crux, the argument before which all other arguments pale into insignificance:

The Right to Bear Arms is the only reliable way to prevent genocide in the modern world.

And Zimbabwe is the poster child for that proposition.


The Right to Bear Arms. It's not just for Americans any more."

The Second Amendment isn't about hunting or sport shooting, despite what such blatant liars as the current Messiah and his minions will tell you in their half-hearted pledges to support it. It's about preventing horror stories such as the one currently taking place in Zimbabwe from ever happening in the United States.


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