Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Disgusting, but oh so predictable

To infuse Kennedy into the health-care debate, Democrats are planning to affix the former senator's name to the health-care legislation that emerges from Congress.

Are you liberals sure you want to go down this road again?

"Democrats are hoping that the memory of Sen. Ted Kennedy will revive the Democratic Party's flagging push for health care reform.

"You've heard of 'win one for the Gipper'? There is going to be an atmosphere of 'win one for Teddy,'" Ralph G. Neas, the CEO of the liberal National Coalition on Health Care, told ABC News."

This shameless exploitation, currently being disguised as "honoring" the memory of someone who has barely assumed room temperature, certainly brings back memories of the Paul Wellstone "memorial" debacle, and only further steels our resolve to fight this government takeover of health care with every fiber of our being.

By the way - don't shed any tears for Mr. Kennedy. He got to have 40 more years of life than did Mary Jo Kopechne.

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

Win one for the Swimmer?

Health Cash for Splash?