Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Today's TASER Travesty

It's being reported that a 76-year-old Wyoming man who was driving an antique tractor in a parade was TASERED "after he disobeyed orders. [Police] say the tractor may have hit a car."

May have hit a car? They don't even know? Besides, such a vehicle can move at what, 5 mph at the most? It probably wasn't a massive collision, that's for sure.

Did the retired truck driver have some sort of medical issue, such as a minor stroke, that caused him to have this supposed mishap? Hard of hearing and didn't understand the directions being shouted at him, perhaps? Is it possible he was a bit disoriented because of the claimed collision?

None of those quite reasonable factors seem to have mattered at all. The old man didn't immediately snap to when the cops' orders were barked, so they apparently decided to teach him a little lesson by misusing a "less-than-lethal" defensive weapon as a tool to cause excruciating pain in order to induce compliance, regardless of whether their commands were justified.

These multiple officers couldn't find any other way to resolve this situation? Maybe they'll claim that they were in a dangerous high-speed chase with the ol' Farmall.

"the police chief says it doesn't appear any policies were violated."

That sentence should scare the living crap out of all of the residents of Glenrock, Wyoming, who should immediately agitate for saner "policies".

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

The police are lucky that they're not dealing with a fatality--as in the man falling under the wheels of the tractor while incapacitated by the Taser.

And they were following policy? Um, "baloney." The Taser is for resisting arrest while posing a physical threat to the officer, not mere "failure to comply."

Somebody needs to lose their job over this one.