Thursday, September 03, 2009

That whole town is completely nuts

Jericho, Arkansas, that is. This story out of that burg is simply mind-boggling, and no comment by us could do it further justice. Go check it out for yourself.

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

Notice that the town's police force was started in the mid-1990s with a grant from the feds. In other words, it's a relic of the Clinton "Cash for Cops" program. What's going on is that the money has of course run out, and for the past decade or so they've been writing tickets to keep their jobs, as there is most likely little real crime in the town, apart from deputies shooting defendants in court.

In the town's defense, I think it's the chief of police and his subordinates that are the real loons, but you would be correct to point out that the city council/mayor/voters have tolerated it, too.