Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This situation would be comical, if it weren't so infuriating

Here are the outfits the two amateur filmmakers from BigGovernment.com apparently wore when they asked ACORN workers in three different cities (that we know of to date) for help in getting a fictitious prostitution service (that would be staffed by underage illegal alien women from El Salvador, no less) off the ground, as well as hide the illicit proceeds from that enterprise - which the workers shockingly all agreed to do:

(Picture is from the New York Post article)

How anyone could have someone dressed like this walk into their office and proceed to ask for assistance in setting up a blatantly illegal (not to mention morally reprehensible) business and not immediately conclude that they are being set up on Candid Camera or Punk'd is beyond us. Nonetheless, help them was exactly what the ACORN workers did:

"counselors at the social-services group shockingly offer suggestions [on the latest tape] on how they can launder their earnings"

Naturally, instead of hanging their heads in shame, the organization is going full-bore against the group that exposed their disgusting policies (Sorry ACORN, having the investigation net the same exact results in three different cities means that this sort of behavior is standard operating procedure for your entire organization, not just a few rogue employees freelancing on their own as you pitifully argue):

"'And, in fact, a crime it was -- our lawyers believe a felony -- and we will be taking legal action against Fox and their co-conspirators,' the statement said."

Well, you won't be doing it with our tax dollars anymore, since the Senate just voted to block your group from accessing federal housing funds in the future. Combined with being booted from the Census project, this sure has been one bad week for you, ACORN. Whatever will you leeches do for income now?

We agree with James O'Keefe, the man who portrayed the pimp in the videos, when he points out ACORN's complete hypocrisy in these cases:

"O'Keefe said, 'ACORN wants it both ways.'

'You can't fire the employees and then say I have defamed them,' he said."

In a just world, O'Keefe and Hannah Giles (the woman who portrayed the prostitute) would be immediately nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for uncovering the sleaze going on at ACORN, instead of being ignored by every news outlet save Fox as well as being pettily threatened with prosecution in Maryland by a Messiah-supporting district attorney.

Personally, we can't wait to see what else the Big Government site's got on that particular bunch of low-lifes. Pass the popcorn, willya?

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

The funniest thing to me is that a couple that looked like nothing more than a high school debate team gone bad was treated by ACORN reps as if they were legitimately trying to start a brothel. So not only is ACORN completely without basic morality (you would expect that of those Daleyesque ballot box stuffers), they also are without a clue.