Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A couple of interesting questions

If this spankin' new government health-care "entitlement" is such a great idea, why did the very people who wrote it exempt themselves, as well as their benevolent masters, from its grasping tentacles?

"The new health care law exempts the president from having to participate in it. Leadership and committee staffers in the House and Senate who wrote the bill are exempted as well. A weasel-worded definition of "staff" includes only the members' personal staff in the new system; the committee staff that drafted the legislation opted themselves out. Because they were more familiar with the contents of the law than anyone in the country, it says a lot that they carved out their own special loophole. Anyway, the law is intended to affect "ordinary Americans," according to Vice President Joe Biden (who - being a heartbeat away from the presidency - also is not covered), not Washington insiders." 

That figures.  "Some animals are more equal than others", to quote author George Orwell, who is proven evermore prescient by the day.

For that matter, if this is an idea "whose time has come", then why does President Obama feel compelled to once again hit the campaign trail in order to shill for his pet project, even though the darn thing is passed and signed into law?

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

Same reason Dear Leader didn't put his kids in the government schools....the Emperor never wants to live by the same laws we do.