Monday, March 22, 2010

The fallout begins

Lisa Stroud, whose fantastic and welcoming to all (even wacky bloggers such as ourselves) coffee shop we patronize on a near-daily basis and who typifies the typical American small-business owner, surgically throws some reality at the Facebook users on her page who crowed about the utterly unconstitutional "mandate" the liberals in Congress shoved down all of our throats last night:

"they should have reformed the insurance system not require Americans to spend more money. for those of us who have the privilege to own a business or have a job, we will pay for this! you will pay when you buy groceries, when you shop at Christmas-nothing is free, and it is the people who will pay and some of us will pay twice...

my employees pay less in their current plans than what this bill is estimated in costing them in the near future and what's even better is they have a choice...

I don't pretend to be the parent of my employees. i don't pretend to know what is better for someone else then they do. Everybody has the right to have insurance and to feel secure in the insurance they do have but that is not what passed tonight." 

You've lost Middle America, Mr. President, probably for good.  Enjoy the rest of your single term in office.

UPDATE:  Lisa reminds us that she is a liberal feminist who VOTED for Obama and she's still disgusted by this legislation (by the way, her shop was also Second Amendment-friendly long before Starbucks had to confront the issue).

Again, if you've lost the likes of her, Mr. President, your political goose is cooked.

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