Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"It all depends on what the meaning of the word is transparency is"

Ben Smith of Politico is reporting that White House goons closed all of Lafayette Park today because six uniformed service members chained themselves to the White House fence to protest the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.  What's worse, the thugs apparently actively prevented news reporters from filming the demonstration, which we remind everyone took place on a public sidewalk:

"People who have covered the White House for years tell me that's an extremely unusual thing to do in an area that regularly features protests."

Hmm.  Whatever happened to the "openness" and "transparency" that the Dear Leader was going to restore after eight years of a reclusive and secretive administration?  All that's missing here is the obligatory one-way trip to the gulag for the protesters, and we'd be right back to the Soviet Union in the 1930's.

"A reporter can be seen in the YouTube video above calling the move 'outrageous' and 'ridiculous.'"

What poetic justice.  The vast majority of the mainstream media have only themselves to blame for this turn of events, as they nakedly shilled for this man.

Well, now they'll have to live with the results, just like the rest of the peasantry.  Elections have consequences.

1 comment:

Chris Mallory said...

I love how the reporter puts the "press" over the peasants. Like the reporters should have more rights than the little people.

What was the danger to the public? Were these six protesters armed?