Monday, April 26, 2010

One law for ALL of the people, no matter who they are

Pro-firearms carry advocate Philip Van Cleave, head of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, holds the perfectly reasonable opinion that the law should should be applied equally to all the citizens of a given state.  He's now embarking on a very interesting legislative strategy in order to further that eminently sensible position in his home turf:

"Philip Van Cleave wants every Virginian who has a permit to carry a concealed handgun into a bar to be able to have a drink - or he wants no gun carrier to be able to drink.

He said he is going to find a legislator to submit two bills to the body representing both positions.

[Van Cleave's] aim is to force lawmakers to expand the rights of concealed-handgun owners in bars or rescind the current exception that allows law-enforcement officers and commonwealth's attorneys to carry concealed weapons and consume alcohol."

We have a neutral position on this issue save that we personally choose to never drink and carry, on the theory that any activity that may even slightly reduce critical judgment and reaction time is best saved for when one isn't assuming the responsibility of carrying a firearm for self-protection. 

It's accurate to say, however, that one or two drinks over the course of an evening while carrying is pretty much a non-issue for most people.  However, if having one beer or glass of wine with dinner is a bad idea for the average Virginia peasant, then it surely must be just as bad of an idea for an off-duty cop or DA.

Those Virginia legislators are going to have quite the choice to make sometime soon, and we love every second of it.

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