Sunday, May 02, 2010

"Heckuva job, Barry"

It turns out that members of the crackerjack Obama Administration, whose oh-so-smart leader just loves to take shots at former President George W. Bush over his (admittedly poor) handling of the Katrina disaster, have been sitting on their collective hands doing nothing about the BP oil spill for the last ten days, even though the NOAA already had a pre-approved burn plan in place to deal with precisely this sort of calamity in that very area:

"Federal officials should have started burning oil off the surface of the Gulf last week, almost as soon as the spill happened, said the former oil spill response coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


'They had pre-approval. The whole reason the plan was created was so we could pull the trigger right away instead of waiting ten days to get permission,' [Ron] Gouget said. 'If you read the pre-approval plan, it speaks about Grand Isle, where the spill is. When the wind is blowing offshore out of the north, you have preapproval to burn in that region. If the wind is coming onshore, like it is now, you can't burn at Grand Isle. They waited to do the test burn until the wind started coming onshore.'"

The article quotes Mr. Gouget as estimating that 90% of the spilled oil could have been burned off (avoiding the far worse, and now sadly likely, prospect of most of it washing ashore) had someone in the Federal Government simply got off their rear end and ordered the response plan to be implemented in a timely manner.

The mainstream media absolutely crucified former President Bush over Katrina.  Let's see if those sycophants, some of whom actually wrote the jokes Obama delivered at this past weekend's White House Correspondents' Dinner while the disaster in the Gulf increased in magnitude (his own version of fiddling while Rome burns?) will hold their Dear Leader to anywhere near the same standard they applied to his predecessor.


Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

You're kidding, of course. The Lamestream Media are not going to touch their Magic Marxist Messiah. Count on it.

Anonymous said...

"Magic Marxist Messiah"

That is so stupid I cannot express the depth, power, and immensity of the stupidity.

No one calls him "messiah" except the right wing, who just needed an insult.

Please look up the meaning of "Marxist" before you use it again. You are so far off base that a blind pitcher would pick you off. Another word used in a ridiculous fashion just to try to insult the man and those who support him.

As for "magic," I'll just leave it alone.