Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Off topic but interesting, at least to me

We had the following (paraphrased) polite conversation this morning with a U.S. Census worker who came to our door:

Worker:  Good morning.  I'm assigned to this block of residences and am following up on households that didn't return their Census form.

Us:  Hello.  I did return the form, and within the time limit specified.

W:  Well, I don't know about any of that, I'm just doing what I'm told.  This will only take 3 or 4 minutes.

U:  Very well, I'll give you the information I supplied on the form.  My name is Douglas Hester and one person lives at this address.

W:  But there are other questions to answer, such as if you're Caucasian or not...

U:  I respectfully decline to answer those queries.  My ethnicity has nothing to do with enumerating the population and everything to do with the gerrymandering of legislative districts, and in any event is none of the Federal government's business.

W:  Um, OK, I just have to let you know that we will probably come back up to five times because of your refusal to participate...

U:  What refusal?  I answered all of the pertinent questions.  Just because I won't play the fishing for unnecessary information game doesn't mean I didn't comply with the Census.  You or your coworkers are free to come back, however I will not supply any other information than what I gave you just now.  Have a nice day.

W:  Goodbye.

Infuriating.  Answer any and all intrusive and probing questions (no matter how irrelevant to the task at hand) that our "betters" decide belong on the Census form, or else you're "refusing" to comply with the process?  Sorry, we're not going to play that game.

The Census Bureau is in possession of all the information they can lawfully require under the Constitution, and therefore have received all the data they're ever going to get from us.  If you've got a problem with that, Rahm Emanuel, White House hack in charge of politicizing a historically apolitical event, you can contact us directly.


Anonymous said...


Newark, NJ

Unknown said...

Looks like i'll ber getting the same kind of thing here.. Got a "notice of visit" from the census bureau on my door yesterday. I'm sure they'll be back, and i'll give the same info I did on my form too. Name and number of people living here.