Wednesday, August 04, 2010

So who actually ended up being more "respectable", Mrs. Gore?

Dee Snider, the lead singer of hair-metal band Twisted Sister and one of the primary targets of bored housewife Tipper Gore's PMRC back in 1985, comments on the remarkably different paths their lives have taken since he was dragged to those fun-filled hearings by that nosy twit:

"Oh, snap" indeed.

Tipper's glass house most certainly now has a huge rock hole right through the middle of it courtesy of Mr. Snider.  Enjoy the sweet, delicious irony, dear.  You completely deserve everything you're getting.


Anonymous said...

By that Demoicrat twit...

Cencsorship was attempted by Democrats, there, Al and Tipper...

Hyopocrites first, last, and always

Bike Bubba said...

Is "Oh, snap" a Tipperism?

Good to see Snider doing well....I wanna rock.