Sunday, May 08, 2011

Obamacare's model physician

San Francisco, California (of course) pediatrician Ricky Choi seems to think being a doctor gives him carte blanche to snoop around into every aspect of his patients' lives, or at least those topics that are of interest to a obvious snooty liberal like himself:

"The scope of practice I am talking about we all can own. I have a responsibility to ask about, diagnose, educate, and treat obstacles to health. For those who see children in their practice, discussing topics such as swimming pool safety and smoke detectors are routine at regular check ups.

But let me take it a step further. I would argue that nutritious food, safe medications, air quality, domestic violence, affordable housing, access to health care, sex trafficking, cultural factors, schools, safe neighborhoods, voting, human rights, international trade agreements, and the state budget, to the extent they impact health of my patients and communities, are also in my scope of practice."

No, they're not.

Dr. Choi is all aggrieved over Florida's recently-passed law (now awaiting the governor's signature) that would sanction doctors for asking about guns in the home during routine exams.  That law was passed in response to Floridians' apparently having had quite enough of their doctors lecturing them about how dangerous and evil firearms are, even those owned and carried by responsible parents who know and utilize proper gun safety protocols.

We can certainly see the point of this law if in fact those Florida doctors are asking anywhere near as many intrusive and unnecessary questions during those exams as Choi.  We can't imagine being a patient of his and having to suffer through what must be excruciating multi-hour checkups:

"How are the cultural factors (?) in your life?  Have the recent local elections affected you in any way?  Are you sick from pondering the France-Canada trade agreement?  Is your mortgage affordable?  What ranking did your kid's middle school receive?"  Yeesh.  Hopefully he doesn't forget the weight and blood pressure checks after all of that.

"At issue is not only whether or not a gun should be in the home, but also the right of physicians, free of legal entanglements, to provide the anticipatory guidance for an environment where their patient can thrive."

Guidance is one thing.  Paternalistic pronouncements from a smug, arrogant know-it-all are quite another.

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