Tuesday, May 09, 2006

If you can't do your job...

...then undercut the people who will. This seems to be the philosophy of the U.S. Border Patrol, who is apparently notifying the Mexican government as to where the Minutemen will be patrolling.

From this article:

"A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed the notification process, describing it as a standard procedure meant to reassure the Mexican government that migrants' rights are being observed"


"Once an illegal alien is apprehended, they can request counsel," he said. "We have to give their counsel the information about their apprehension, and that includes where they are apprehended, whether a Minuteman volunteer spotted them or a citizen"

Let's review this once more: illegal immigrants are criminals who have no "rights", as they are not in this country legally. The upper management at the Border Patrol doesn't seem to realize this, and they are impotent at any real stoppage of the problem, so they cut deals with Mexico to circumvent the Minutemen. Also, the last I heard, a Minuteman volunteer and a citizen were the same thing.

I don't want the illegals to be abused or mistreated, but I do want them caught and returned. If the Border Patrol won't do it, then get out of the way and let someone else do it. How about Joe Arpaio for head of the B.P.?

The article also states that for years the rank and file border agents have complained that the Mexican consulate has had undue influence in the border enforcement policy. Why doesn't this surprise me?

All I ask of the Federal Government is to secure our borders and provide for the common defense. Why can't this be accomplished?

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