Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Someone please draft this man to run for President

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, whom I've blogged about previously on this site, has instituted a two-week program of English instruction for the Spanish-speaking inmates at his jail, who number about 3,000 (including 1,000 illegal immigrants) of the 10,000 inmates currently there. This program teaches basic phrases, including health and safety needs, and the basic structure of American government.

From the article, Arpaio's comments about his program:

"These inmates happen to be incarcerated in the United States of America and in Maricopa County where I run the jails," Sheriff Joe Arpaio said in a statement. "And we speak English here, not foreign languages."

Bless you, sir. I have not seen such common sense from a law enforcement official since I don't know when. Please run for higher office.

A side question: Why are there 1,000 illegal immigrants in a county jail? Why aren't they being sent home immediately, to relieve pressure in Sheriff Arpaio's jail? Get with the program, Federal Immigration Officials. It's shameful that a county sheriff has to do your work for you.

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