Friday, October 13, 2006

YOU are responsible for your own safety - yet another reminder

Once again, a court has ruled that a city government, police department, and a 911 operator cannot be sued for failing to do their jobs, this time in Camden, New Jersey. Christine Eberle was abducted from a park and ride lot at a train station. Her abduction was witnessed, and 911 was called. No one responded, and she was later murdered. The judge ruled that "a public entity cannot be sued when employees fail to perform their jobs.". The Supreme Court has affirmed similar rulings numerous times, with the latest ruling being Castle Rock v. Gonzales.

This is yet another reminder that you alone are responsible for your own protection. The job of the police is to protect and serve the public by investigating and solving crime, not protect and serve YOU the individual by preventing crime from happening to you. The sad part of this case is that it happened in New Jersey, one of the unfriendliest states for gun rights in the nation. If Ms. Eberle had had a concealed weapon with her, she might have had a chance of defending herself, certainly more of a chance than she ended up having.

Ms. Eberle's mother plans to appeal. Based on previous rulings, I wouldn't hold my breath.

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