Sunday, August 26, 2007

Illegal immigration has many hidden costs... of which is unscreened, unwell people arriving in this country with Third World diseases, some of which are then spread to unsuspecting U.S. citizens.

Here's the latest case. Francisco Santos, a 17-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, was told that he had infectious tuberculosis and needed immediate treatment. He not only refused, but attempted to leave the hospital and announced that he was "heading back to his home country of Mexico", meanwhile infecting God knows how many people along the way.

Fortunately, the Gwinnett County, Georgia health authorities, learning from Fulton County's experience with Andrew Speaker, our own home-grown TB threat, jailed Santos and are keeping him in an isolation ward until he accepts treatment or is deported back to Mexico in order to let their health officials deal with him. (We have enough problems with our idiots refusing TB treatment already, without importing yet more of them.)

When people come to this country illegally, they are not screened for infectious diseases as legal immigrants are, nor are they likely to have had any checkups by anyone in the recent past, so anything that they have can easily be transmitted to you as easily as a restaurant worker not washing his hands, or a gardener coughing while talking to someone, or a nanny sneezing accidentally on her charges.

Does that cheap labor seem like such a bargain now?

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