Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another Hollywood Hypocrite outed

Noodling around the 'Net this afternoon, I came upon this blog post.

It seems that a troublemaker much like myself got quite upset last year after reading many of actor Sylvester Stallone's anti-gun comments to the media, as well as viewing pictures of him at a Brady Campaign-sponsored event, and decided to do a little digging at the L.A. County Sheriff's Office.

Sure enough, after the usual bureaucratic tooth-pulling, they found out that Mr. Stallone did indeed apply for and receive a concealed weapons permit in 2004 from Sheriff Lee Baca, a document that is denied just about everyone else who lives there, including the blogger.

We'll have to add Stallone to the Firearms Hypocrites Hall of Fame, a list that includes such luminaries as politicians Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer, former Washington Post columnist Carl Rowan (deceased), actors Bernie Mac (deceased) and Ben Affleck, and of course, Rosie O'Donnell, Ms. Million-Mom-March herself.

Anybody I'm forgetting?

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