Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Are there any liberal Democrats who pay their taxes correctly?

A fifth Obama nominee with tax trouble:

"President Barack Obama’s nominee to be U.S. Trade Representative has agreed to pay nearly $10,000 in back taxes after a Senate panel vetting his nomination questioned him about his filings."

Ron Kirk also was (until quite recently) registered as a Texas corporate lobbyist, so his appointment once again flies directly in the face of the Messiah's solemn pledge to not have any of those evil shills walking around infecting his administration. You see, Kirk de-registered as soon as his appointment was announced, so apparently that makes things technically OK in a weasely sort of way, although it certainly violates the spirit of Obama's promise (but then again, what hasn't lately?).

One senator has already gone on record as calling Ron Kirk "The right person for this job", so he'll probably get a free pass, just as Turbo-Tax Tim Geithner did.

I wish to immediately engage one of these fine nominees' tax preparers, in order to take advantage of the same dodgy deductions that they've been enjoying all this time. Why pay more than we absolutely have to? They sure don't.

And all this time we've been fed the fallacy that it's always the evil capitalist rich Republicans that duck paying taxes. Boy, is the opposite ever turning out to be the real truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to see you or someone else do a comparison of the actual numbers of "tax problem" nominees each President has had - Bush vs Obama - after this is all done.

Of course Obama is nowhere near done with appointees... news sources say he is way behind the normal pace for a President in this area.

Guess he just wants to "get it right?" Hah.