Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Not much more to report yet

Between yesterday afternoon and this morning, I contacted upwards of twelve media outlets (print, radio and television) to inform them about the rousting incident, and offering to supply additional information if requested.

As of this writing, I have only heard back from one television station (and, oddly enough, have heard nothing from the newspaper that originally broke the story about the thuggish goings-on happening in downtown Phoenix).

Unfortunately, here's what the TV reporter thought about the incident:

I watched your video, and I'm not surprised. Because of tightened security laws (especially after 9-11) they are much more controlling of who can tape or take photos of federal security. I have some experience with this. I tried to take photos of the line at the security entrance of the Democratic National Convention. The security officer made me delete the photos. I understand the precaution, and it didn't bother me. (Emphasis mine)

Well, it would certainly bother me if I were an accredited member of the media and was set upon by a goon who forced me to delete legitimate news footage, but I guess that's the state of investigative journalism today - do whatever the government wants them to. Don't want to piss the powers-that-be off, you know. My response to the reporter was worded accordingly:

I understand it as well, but it did bother me. Which law are they citing to justify their actions? There isn’t one, that’s why. As an accredited news outlet, you should have gone bananas when they deleted your photos.

I also neglected to point out that our experiences differed in that I wasn't taking pictures of the courthouse security, but merely the exterior of the building. I doubt that clarification would make much difference to the reporter, though. Unsurprisingly, they haven't responded to my rejoinder.

I am toying with the idea of returning to the courthouse tomorrow in order to file a formal complaint, even though I suspect the person with whom I would file the grievance is the same person who accosted me outside the building yesterday.

If I find the time, I'll probably go ahead and do it, for no other reason than to put the "security" personnel on formal notice that someone has noticed their bullying tactics and isn't going to put up with them.

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