Sunday, April 05, 2009

One of the last Nazis slips away from his date with justice, thanks to a feckless judge

Doesn't anyone ordered removed from this country ever get bounced out, regardless of how much they deserve to be sent away?

A sympathetic federal immigration judge named Wayne Iskra has ordered that the deportation of John Demjanjuk, the accused Nazi SS guard whom other judges have ruled overwhelmingly (beginning in 1977) did indeed work at the Sobibor concentration camp, be stayed pending a re-opening of the case, mainly due to Demjanjuk's health issues. This unbelievable ruling by Judge Iskra comes despite the U.S. Supreme Court's declining to hear Demjanjuk's latest appeal of his deportation order in 2008.

Well, that's what happens when the 2005 ordered deportation to Germany for trial of the 85-year-old man still hasn't been carried out 4 years later, so that he infuriatingly "celebrated his 89th birthday Friday with his wife at their home in Cleveland."

How nice for him. I'm quite sure all of the 29,000 people or so whose exterminations Demjanjuk is accused of overseeing would have loved the chance to grow comfortably old with their loved ones in an American suburb. Unfortunately for them, beasts like Demjanjuk robbed them of that dream; why should he continue to be coddled? His ever-advancing age is no excuse for bringing him to justice in Germany, which had announced on April 2 that they were ready to receive him in order to try him for his war crimes. Iskra's ruling now effectively prevents that from happening, perhaps for good.

Demjanjuk's guilt has been well-established, despite his and his attorney's protestations. From Wikipedia:

"The court judgment also addressed evidence against Demjanjuk that was not included in his indictment. It considered that Demjanjuk most likely served as a Nazi Wachmann (guard) in the Trawniki unit and had been posted at Sobibor and two other camps. Evidence to assist this claim included a certificate from Trawniki bearing Demjanjuk's picture and his exact personal information - allegedly found in the Soviet archives - in addition to German documents that mentioned Wachmann Demjanjuk and mentioned his date and place of birth. Statements of another Wachmann (Denilchenko), both in 1949 and again in 1979, identified Demjanjuk as the Wachmann who served with him at Sobibor. Demjanjuk's Trawniki certificate also implies that he served at Sobibor, as do the German orders of March 1943 posting the Trawniki unit to this area."

Regardless the mountain of evidence suggesting his involvement at Sobibor, it has been fully adjudicated and public record since 1981 that Demjanjuk blatantly lied on both his immigration and citizenship applications, which absolutely disqualifies him from receiving those privileges. He needs to be immediately repatriated to answer for the horrific crimes he's accused of participating in. Having "pre-leukemia, kidney problems, spinal problems and "a couple of types of gout", as his lawyer weakly offers up, is should not be excuses that prevent that.

Oh, by the way, the Wikipedia entry reports that Demjanjuk still receives his Social Security benefits, even after all of this.


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