Thursday, May 28, 2009

One lawyer who sees through the hype

Attorney Allan J. Favish nails down the main argument why Judge Sotomayor is not a good candidate to be a Supreme Court Justice:

"Because the Justices are freed of political influence, the
Framers also designed the system so that the Justices should not make law,
but only interpret law. It would have been undemocratic to allow those freed
of political influence to make law." (Emphasis mine)

People who have lifetime appointments with no provision for recall should not additionally be allowed to have lawmaking powers whether implicitly or explicitly, as that much unchallengeable authority invested in one branch of government is not supportive of a free society.

We've had enough difficulties with the justices already on the Supreme Court finding "rights" in the Constitution that just don't exist, as well as mysteriously ignoring the true individual rights that are plainly stated in that document. There is no need to add someone who publicly admits to such a bias before her confirmation hearings even start.

Full disclosure: I am on an email list with Mr. Favish where ideas and comments are regularly communicated to and fro.

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