Sunday, June 21, 2009

He's missing the "point", literally and figuratively

An English industrial designer named John Cornock, inspired by the impassioned pleas of some of the doctors in that model nanny-state who are agitating for a total ban on the sale of "long, pointy" kitchen knives in Britain, due to their high rate of usage by criminals for muggings and robberies in that country (despite, of course, England's complete ban on carrying knives in public, along with their recent widely-publicized "knife amnesty" campaign, which have both worked out so well to date), has come up with what he thinks is an innovative solution - the "anti-stab" knife:


This novel invention would indeed seem to curtail the stabbing of victims, but unfortunately not the slicing of them, which is just as deadly. Maybe Mr. Cornock forgot about that little fact whilst he was brainstorming his groundbreaking design.

"He said: 'It can never be a totally safe knife, but the idea is you can’t inflict a fatal wound. Nobody could just grab one out of the kitchen drawer and kill someone.'"

Wanna bet? You stand over there, Mr. Cornock, while we test your theory. Oh, you're declining? We kind of figured you would.

The new cutlery is bargain-priced at a low, low $63-83 each, practically guaranteeing that the thugs and criminals over there who didn't obey the law (imagine that?) and surrender their contraband cutlery three years ago will immediately toss out or turn in their perfectly good stabbin' instruments and run out to be among the first to purchase this updated design. Similarly, the good inventor must also be assuming that the government will concomitantly be banning grinding wheels and files, since ne'er do wells could use those commonly available tools to put sharp points on his knives in minutes.

Next up for Mr. Cornock- the designing of anti-crush rocks and anti-poke sticks, ensuring that the law-abiding English peasant continues to remain completely defenseless against the criminal element running wild over there.

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