Monday, July 06, 2009

Addendums to the English Insanity List

A couple of other incidents out of Britain that we neglected to include in our list the other day:

1. England is preparing to unleash a horde of green-jacketed "environmental police" on thousands of companies doing business there, as the country's Environment Agency prepares to implement its own version of the "carbon emissions" law being currently being considered in the U.S. Senate:

"The agency is creating a unit of about 50 auditors and inspectors, complete with warrant cards and the power to search company premises to enforce the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), which comes into effect next year... [the unit] will also be able to demand energy bills from utilities without the companies under investigation knowing they are being watched." (All emphases mine)

Imagine the scenario of a British small business owner who has his door broken down by the green-clad thugs, who have no probable cause but conveniently are in possession of magical all-access warrant cards, who demand to immediately inspect the company's compliance records, no matter how small the alleged violation happens to be or how inconvenient the timing of the raid inspection is for the owner.

Think it won't happen in that manner? We are certain that's exactly how it's going to go down.

How long until these sorts of frightening Big-Brotherish tactics are proposed in the U.S. in order to better fight the "scourge" of carbon dioxide, which is not a pollutant but rather a vital part of our ecosystem?

Immigration officials in England have denied a foreign visitor entry into their country solely
"because visa officials ruled it "not credible" that anyone would want to spend a week in Gateshead."

We're sure the local Chamber of Commerce and Tourist Bureau appreciated that boneheaded move.

Since we're boycotting travel to England until such time as the peasants there regain their senses and dump their oppressive government, we are unable to travel to Gateshead personally to observe what's so wrong with the area that the government refuses to believe that anyone would want to visit there.

Maybe the residents there are different than the rest of the English sheeple and bravely refuse to surrender their freedoms on demand, and this is part of their punishment.

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