Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bizarre behavior from one of our "betters"

Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee, D(ipstick)-Texas, somehow expecting CNN's Rick Sanchez (as well as his viewers) to swallow her line of BS that a YouTube video (which shows her imperiously ignoring one of her constituents by talking on her cell phone while the voter attempts to get some answers out of Lee regarding the proposed government takeover of health care) somehow was "doctored".

Jackson-Lee not only refuses to apologize for her unspeakably rude behavior towards the woman, she then compounds it by proceeding to pretty much ignore all of Sanchez's other questions about the health "reform" bill during her appearance on the show.

And these are the kinds of dedicated "professionals" to whom we're expected to turn over all of our health care decisions, without so much as a peep of concern?

1 comment:

Warthog said...

I watched this video and found another person I can watch. He did not let her off as easy as I just watched Gretta on Fox do. This woman is a horrible liar and a horrible politician. I am not talking about her views because I do not know what they are, I am talking about her obviouse bogus answers and her weak attempts to change the subject.

She is rediculous and I feel sorry for her constituants. Check out more of my thoughts at