Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Next up for England - snake control?

"A boy was recovering yesterday after being held down by a gang of yobs and being bitten by a terrifying new weapon - a SNAKE."

Not to worry, it seems to have been just a non-venomous python. Bet it was still quite painful, though.

The martinets who rule England had better quickly snap to and add snakes to the long list of items (such as guns and knives) that the law-abiding peasants of that country are prohibited from possessing, although judging from the following news tidbit at the bottom of the same article, they probably won't have much success in confiscating reptiles from the criminals as well:

"A SCHOOLBOY was in a serious condition last night after being gunned down in a drive-by shooting.

The 15-year-old was walking along a street with a pal aged 21 when a dark blue car pulled up next to them and opened fire in Bromley, South East London.

The victim's injuries were not thought to be life-threatening. His friend, also shot at, was discharged from hospital.

Detectives from Operation Trident which investigates black-on-black shootings, were investigating."

But... we thought guns were banned in Britain? How is such a situation possible?

(It's also quite heartening to know that English cops apparently categorize and investigate crimes based solely on the race of both the criminal and victim. How does one apply for, say, the Asian-on-black squad?)

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

The question is whether they'll need to have snake control in Ireland. :^)